BSG Branch Finder

Local  branches  are  distributed  throughout  the  UK  in  five areas.

Each  branch  hosts  cake  decorating  demonstrations,  workshops,  and sugarcraft  events  each  month.

Branch meetings offer the perfect opportunity to meet like-minded people who are similarly passionate about cake decorating and sugarcraft. With invited guest speakers showing a variety of skills and techniques, you will always learn something new!

• Find your local BSG branch and go along…

Use the buttons or click on the map to select the area nearest to where you live. This will take you to an interactive map with a list of local branches and details of when and where they meet.

• If there is no branch local to you, you can still join as an Individual Member or International Member

• Visitors are always welcome at our regular branch meetings.

• Under 18’s: Please enquire! Your local branch may welcome Cygnet members to their regular meetings, or have a separate Cygnet group. All Cygnet members can join our dedicated Facebook group Cygnets Live! for live work-along sessions every month.

August 2022: It was agreed at the 2021 Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) to restructure and consolidate the existing SEVEN regions of the British Sugarcraft Guild into FIVE new areas for ease of administration. The national committee and regional coordinators have worked together during the last year, and the map above shows the five new areas to be known as:

• Caledonia (CA)  •  England North (EN)  •  Central (CN)  •  Wales and The West (WW)  •  South East (SE)

Each of these areas will have an elected Area Coordinator who will sit on the national committee to represent their members. The coordinators will arrange a team of volunteer members to assist with the organisation of meetings, activities, and events within their respective areas. See the September 2022 edition of Sugarcraft News members’ magazine for more…

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