Branch Finder
Local branches are distributed throughout the UK in five Areas – Caledonia (CA), England North AKA ‘Sugarcraft North’ (EN), Central (CN), Wales & The West (WW) and South East (SE).
Each Area has an elected Area Coordinator who sits on the National Committee, representing their members. They are supported by a team of members and together organise meetings, sugarcraft shows and other activities.
Each branch hosts cake decorating demonstrations, workshops, and sugarcraft events each month.
Branch meetings offer the perfect opportunity to meet like-minded people who are similarly passionate about cake decorating and sugarcraft. With invited guest speakers showing a variety of skills and techniques, you will always learn something new! New members are always welcome.
To find your local branch use the buttons below or click on the map to select the Area where you live.
No local branch? Live outside of the UK? Don’t worry, you can also join us as an Individual member or an International member.

Visitors are always welcome at our regular branch meetings – if there is no branch local to you, you can join as an Individual Member or International Member… or perhaps you’d like to set a new branch up? We’re here to help – contact the Area Coordinator for where your new branch would be located.
Under 18? Your local branch may welcome under 18’s to their regular meetings, or they may have a separate ‘Cygnet’ group. All Cygnet members can join our dedicated Facebook group Cygnets Live!– a place to share ideas, your work, ask questions etc.