‘My craft is my art’
Established in 1981 by sugarcrafters for cake decorating enthusiasts everywhere…
The British Sugarcraft Guild is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of cake decorating and sugarcraft. Members include hobby cake makers, home bakers, specialist retailers, manufacturers, and renowned sugarcraft professionals.
With the motto “my craft is my art”, the Guild’s aims are to:
Promote and stimulate interest in sugarcraft
Develop talent
Share knowledge
Improve standards
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We love a good cake competition, luckily there’s always one around the corner!
The Cork Sugarcraft Show & Competition takes place on 8th & 9th March 2025 at the Cork International Hotel - check out the show schedule here: www.corksugarcraft.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Cork-Sugarcraft-Association-Competition-Schedule...
Cork Sugarcraft Association #CorkSugarcraft #CorkEvents #yaycork #corkbeo
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📢Our Spring Skills School 2025 is SOLD OUT!📢
We are operating a wait list for this event should anyone drop out, to be added to it please email nationaloffice@bsguk.org.
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Here we go, we’re heading towards week three of what always feels like the longest month EVER!
Our plan to get through today is 'cake'! A nice lemon drizzle for elevenses, perhaps a mini doughnut with lunch and we've got some homemade mince pies still hanging around for an afternoon 'pick me up'.
Whatever your week brings we hope there are plenty of opportunities for y#mycraftismyartk#alwayslearning##sugarcraftA#cakel#sugara#mondaymotivation #Cake #Sugar #MondayMotivation
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We always try to have cake and Yvonne Hart comes along with her lemon cake and shortbread 🤤😋😋
Ohhhh Dorking had lemon drizzle at their meeting on Saturday. Yuuummmmyyyyy!
We're 12 days into the new year, how are those resolutions going?
If you are struggling with them or have fallen off the wagon already then today is the perfect day to reset. #VisionBoardDayonBoardDay, so swap the spatula for scissors and the gluten for glue, it's time to visualise what you want from the year ahead!
Thinking about your cake journey, where would you like it to lead? Perhaps this is the year you finally learning to Royal Ice a cake, or manage to make macarons? Maybe it's the year you take part in your first cake competition? Whatever your sugarcraft aspirations are, the guild has you covered!
When you join your local branch you'll have plenty of opportunities to learn new skills, you'll find a wealth of knowledge and plenty of friendly faces to help you achieve your cake and sugarcraft goals.
Find your local branch here#mycraftismyartb#alwayslearningM#sugarcraftr#cakew#sugarr#learnnewskillst#SundaySpotlightearnNewSkills #SundaySpotlight
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Are you busy baking and decorating this morning? Spare a thought for our National Officers who are settling down for the first committee meeting of 2025.
The agenda is full, the Zoom is ready and now we are left wondering who has cake to keep them fuelled and who will be the first to forget they are muted!?!
We are run by our members, for our members and all of the National Committee are volunteers - we think that deserves a big round of applause 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
#mycraftismyart #alwayslearning #sugarcraft #cake #sugar #saturdaysmiles
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You are all amazing 🥰
Thank you
If you are hoping to join us for our 2025 Spring Skills School with @Alan Dunn, get in touch ASAP as we only have a couple of places left.
To book in please email nationaloffice@bsguk.org - places are offered on a first come, first served basis so don't del#mycraftismyartM#alwayslearningr#sugarcraftc#sugarS#cake##skillsschoolchool
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BSG Members, this is your two hour warning! Don't miss the fabulous Cassie Brown and her Dove Orchid demo LIVE in The Sugarcraft Lounge tonight.
#MyCraftIsMyArt #AlwaysLearning #Sugarcraft # Sugar #Cake #LiveDemo
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⏳Deadline ahead!⏳
Calling all guild branches and all guild members, this is your one week warning! The copy deadline for the next edition of Sugarcraft News is 15th January 2025.
Please send your makes and bakes, branch news or anything sugarcraft related to our Editor, Debbie Cox editor@bsguk.org for consideration.
Our quarterly printed members magazine contains projects for beginners to experts as well as regular competitions, guild news and plenty of inspiration. Not a member? You can buy past editions (physical copies) here www.bsguk.org/shop
#mycraftismyart #alwayslearning #sugarcraft #cake #sugar #cakemagazine
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After the excitement of the festive season January can seem a little flat so we're always looking for things to celebrate and we've found one! We've hit a milestone!
We've reacheeasyfundraising.org.uksyfundraising.org.uk 🎉and since signing up they have raised over £2,500 for us🩷
It's NEVER too late to make a NEW #charity's resolution, so this #Charity Tuesday why not sign up? It's super simple, doesn't cost you a penny but enables us to raise funds to support our work - it's a win, win for all!
www.easyfundra#mycraftismyartu#sugarcraftt#sugarg#cakef#notforprofitCraftIsMyArt #Sugarcraft #Sugar #Cake #NotForProfit
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🌸Bookings are now open to all for our BSG Spring Skills School 2025.🌸
This is a two day sugar flower course learning from one of the very best in our industry, the incredible Alan Dunn.
The course runs on 26th & 27th April and costs £220 (non-BSG members) or £190 (BSG Members). For more information and to book please email Nicky, nationaloffice@bsguk.org
Accommodation is not included but there are a range of places close by to suit all budgets - check out booking.com for details.
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